Hello my friends, those with great pleasure that I announce the creation of a new food blog thinness.
I took this decision following the huge success with healthy recipes add these days you have been a large write.
Thanks for all your messages such a great motivation for me.
Although for the moment I'm building it I'll start of this week ay add recipes.
I will also share with you my daily during this period of weight loss and my menus, my findings and full of beautiful thing.
IT may even one of you will join me very soon and yes but ........ I'm not saying even those who hihihi.
One thing is certain, we have a super beautiful projects then why not enjoy it too.
IMPORTANT I am not a nutritionist or anything else
am I'm just a woman who did decide to take charge.
His works for me at the moment then share it!
Note that I do not close the kitchen Nathan because my goal is to come back very very soon .
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