Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance For Warband


A little recipe for a very good gratin taken from book Anne Sophie Pic , slightly modified, because I added some mushrooms and ham and I decreased the amount of a hair cream. Provide, if you can break one hour and 15-20min of cooking ... you can also zap the pause and skip to the cooking.

Small note on the equipment used: to make this dish I used the new Cuisipro grater , which can be found at TOC . To cut, she cut it! without any effort! but watch your fingers :-) The equipment is professional quality and I think this grater will work for a long time ... the future will tell ;-)... in short, a good product that I'm quite satisfied!

last little thing, my darling embarked on the 365 project, you can see her photos at this address

Now place the recipe!

to a large baking dish

1kg potatoes
25cl milk
65cl single cream
2 cloves garlic (1.5 per infusion, the rest for the dish)
50g unsalted butter + 1peu for mold
2 slices thinly sliced ham
500g porcini mushrooms or Paris washed / cleaned + 20g butter + 1 tablespoon olive oil

Heat 1 tbsp oil and 20g of the butter over low heat in a skillet and add mushrooms. Bake for 10 minutes, stirring frequently until they are well dorés.Salez pepper. Book.

Peel the potatoes and cut in thin slices of 2-3mm thickness around (with a knife, a mandoline, grater or food ... I sliced my were rather 1mm!)
In a large saucepan (it will plunge the potatoes just now), combine the milk, cream with garlic, peeled and cut into 2, and a little nuts grated nutmeg, salt and pepper. Heat over low heat until boiling.
Rub the dish with half the remaining garlic clove and butter it.
Dip the sliced potatoes in the boiling milk and cream and cook over low heat 8min.
Remove with a slotted spoon and place a first layer of potatoes in the buttered gratin dish, sprinkle a little ham and mushrooms, then put a layer of potatoes and so on until all the potatoes, ham and mushrooms.
Boil over medium-low heat milk and cream for another 5 minutes to thicken about consistency. Remove the garlic mixture and adjust seasoning with salt / pepper.
Pour the mixture over the potatoes and let cool a good time. If you're in a hurry skip to the cooking in the oven.
Sprinkle the gratin very cold unsalted butter cut into small pieces. Bake 15-20min.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'south Park Doujinshi'

Hello to you my friends thank you for first blogger all your good words here and those by e-mail you help me enormously.

These true that much has changed since a year between my presence on my other blogs but I had other things to live with I guess a new spouse with a new social life after 10 years of isolation a relearning of my need my cravings for things I want and that I no longer wanted his oulala seemed easy but not so obvious but I'm holding her for life book had me so nice things when I open my arms wide and I enjoy these moments up not losing sight that nothing is guaranteed and that these work every day including my weight loss (a few books back 2 or 3 but ...) I tell myself that I must leave a game because I do not want to become obsessed with a yes or unhappy is one thing I learned during these celebrations that unhappiness, sadness and loneliness do eat but Love and Happiness also so be careful!

I leave you with a new photo of my approach, and over all a big thanks to each and every one of you are important to me and you are part of my success xxx

Monday, January 17, 2011

Caterpillar D6 Model 3d

A theme, several possibilities ...

I present today a new little project between sympathetic food bloggers, thanks to Juliet Juices and Cakes. Every month, a small section around a special theme in turn by each blogger in the end ... with 5 possibilities. This month's Delphine ways of 1001 who chose the theme of thousand sheets ... you'll be delighted to discover 5 variations around it!
From my side, I chose a savory mille-feuille of green apples, smoked trout (of course you can substitute smoked salmon) and goat. You can discover 4 miles more leaves in my girlfriends bloggers here are the addresses:

Sarah blog

Thousand apple leaves Green, smoked trout, goat cheese.
for 2

1 large green apple
2 slices of smoked trout or salmon Smoked
a goat cheese
a handful of rocket
seeds germinated for deco
few nuts

4 tablespoons walnut oil
2 tablespoons seasoning honey / ginger Olivier and Co (or vinegar of your choice as the balsamic )
1 slice Honey
salt, pepper

Cut thin slices of potato on a mandolin or knife.
Cut thin slices of goat
Cut the slices of smoked trout size slices of apple (I used a cookie cutter).
Mix oil, the spice and a touch of honey, salt / pepper.
In each plate, place a handful of arugula, sprinkle with a little dressing.
Next place the arugula in a slice of green apple, a slice of trout and then a goat, drizzle with vinaigrette.
Continue alternating layers until a mille feuille with 3-4 layers.
Decorate with nuts and seeds germinated. Water may still dressing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Paint Aluminum Boat

serves Vietnamese

lot of work lately, suddenly very tired and not feel like cooking (and yes it happens :-).. . but I'm back with a little dessert, Che Chuoi, we have enjoyed in a good Vietnamese restaurant in Pau, Ai Vy. We really liked the shot we wanted the same again! Defi noted, even my darling became the specialist ;-).
Che Chuoi is made from balls of tapioca in coconut milk, bananas and sesame ... a good dessert these days!
is best to use the "tapioca" found in Asian grocery stores, because the "tapioca" Tipiak sold in supermarkets has nothing to do with tapioca used Che Chuoi by cons ... pearls from Japan can possibly be the case if you have no Asian grocery store nearby.

Che Chuoi
for 2
2 tbsp sesame seeds
3 tablespoons tapioca pearls from Japan or
350ml water
1pincée salt
125 ml coconut milk
3 tablespoons sugar 1 banana

Toast your sesame seeds in a hot frying pan without having them take too many colors.
Boil water in a saucepan and add the tapioca pearls and stir.
Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes.
Add coconut milk, the sugar and salt. Stir and cook 3 minutes more.
Cut banana into slices. (Book third washers for decoration.) When the mixture thickens (if necessary cook for a few minutes) add the banana slices and cook 5 minutes.
Garnish with sesame seeds and banana slices aside, back in 2min butter to pan, possibly peanuts if you have on hand. Eat hot.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Feria Hair Dye Colour Chart

January 2011 Happy New Year to you all! My banana bread

Hello to you the little bees working working: D
Although I am less present on my blogs as I am always on and you continue your to amaze me with your beautiful and your recipes''enormous''and good work well done to all!

Here is a nice recipe that always make fun!
Chou Cream (extra chocolate Manu)
(the recipe is in my class serves as the lightning in chocolate)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Army Boot Camp Activities

Happy New Year! *** Merry Christmas ***

Happy New Year to you all and thank you for your nice comments and passages throughout that year 2010. They make me very happy every time even if I do not always have time to respond.

For this new year a new little project, 365 project, discovered in V ictoria , a very nice initiative which I liked, I hope that you enjoy and that you will follow The parallel "Pose" Greedy.
Discover one of my pictures a day for one year on
To see other bloggers participating is there.

the 365 project "Pose" greedy