Saturday, February 26, 2011

Recurring Itchy Red Bumps On My Buttocks

the million! the million!

"Two and a half years that I have my blog and it just reached the one million visitors.
Pffft! I more than words ... "

No, it's not me who said it-I 'd like it !!!*-
Isabelle Kessedjian:
http://isabellekessedjian.blogspot . com /
I have fun by going surfing in his blog, I like his pew, his drawings, designs crocheter, her friends ...

* I am 9888 visits (quite appreciable 10 months of existence)

Creators Corner has released Eiffel Tower the hook in a limited series.
For the occasion, and to thank you also be present, I suggest you to win this Tour Eiffel through a competition
Simply put the above picture on your blog with a link to
Leave me a comment and then the winner will be drawn.
You have until March 11 noon to try your luck!
Results will be posted Saturday, March 12, 2011.


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